Paulina & Bricia Lopez: The Super Sisters That Became The Super Mamás

On a recent Saturday afternoon, Paulina Lopez and her sister Bricia Lopez stood on a concrete stage at La Plaza de Cultura y Artes in Downtown Los Angeles. They looked up excitedly as a pink mylar balloon printed with the words “It’s a girl”, flew into the sky.

Below the stage, in the Plaza’s garden area, a big gathering of moms and children enthusiastically cheered and chanted when they saw the pink balloon..

“Girl power!” yelled a mom.

“Congratulations!” cheered another mom standing with her baby in the stroller.

Paulina’s baby’s gender reveal was a moment of celebration for the sisters and their families but also for the hundreds of attendees at the 2nd Annual Super Mamás Social. The two sisters had succeeded once again at promoting and gaining a loyal fan base for their Super Mamás podcast and turning that popularity into a unique social gathering in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. Closing the 4-hour family festivity with the announcement of a new baby girl somehow reassured attendees that the Super Mamás influence is only at the beginning of its journey.

After becoming moms, the Lopez sisters decided to launch a podcast that would focus on all aspects of motherhood. They created the Super Mamás podcast, which gained attention almost immediately after their first episode aired in the summer of 2015. The Lopez sisters and their down-to-earth conversations about life with children and interviews with other popular local moms, resonated well with audiences. When their podcast started picking up steam, they ran with it. They soon came up with an idea to plan a social event for their followers and listeners. They would sell tickets for it and call it the Super Mamás Social.  Corporate sponsors like Target took note of the duo’s popularity and growing audience and assumed sponsorship of the event, offering family experiences like photo backdrops, activities for kids and goodie bags. This year, the retail giant returned and numerous other companies like Dove and Munchkin offered sponsorship as well.

But the Lopez sisters aren’t new to successful undertakings. Their family’s business, La Guelaguetza Mexican restaurant in Koreatown has received countless accolades, prestigious awards and recognition from acclaimed food critics.

“Everything that is worth loving, or worth anything really, takes time to build,” said Bricia Lopez in an Instagram Post. “Even at times when we had nothing, my mom made us realize we had everything. We had each other.”

The sisters have a very close family unit. Over two decades ago, their father left his native state of Oaxaca in southwestern Mexico to look for better opportunities in the U.S. for his four children. From a restaurateur’s perspective, his sacrifices have paid off, much to the culinary pleasure of the numerous customers that dine at La Guelaguetza on a regular basis. But most importantly, the patriarch of the Lopez family has watched his children value every step of the journey and make a name for themselves in Los Angeles without losing ground of their humble origins. 

At the 2nd Annual Super Mamás Social, there was a line of people waiting to greet and take photos with the Lopez sisters. When asked how they’d managed to pull off the event with greater success than the previous year, Paulina and her sister wouldn’t take credit as the masterminds behind the Super Mamás Social. “This is all thanks to our amazing team of volunteers.”

Get to know more about these these WOWMOMs by following them on Social Media:

Paulina Lopez

Bricia Lopez

Super Mamás Podcast

La Guelaguetza Restaurant

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