It’s time to support moms!
Up to one in five women will suffer from a maternal mental health disorder like postpartum depression, but most will never be diagnosed or treated, leaving families to suffer in silence and shame.
However, a comprehensive set of laws changes that, by emphasizing the roles of obstetric providers, hospitals, health insurers and the state’s public health department. The laws came after a report on the impact of untreated maternal mental health disorders was issued to the state legislature last year.
The new laws underscore the importance of addressing maternal mental health disorders as a core component of the delivery of quality maternity care and support the healthy development of our infants and children.
Co-sponsored by 2020 Mom and Maternal Mental Health Now, these maternal mental health bills are the first to be signed into law in the state and the first comprehensive maternal mental health bill package in the nation. They include:
AB 3032, Hospital Maternal Mental Health
Starting January 1, 2020, requires hospitals to provide maternal mental health training to clinical staff who work with pregnant and postpartum women, and to educate women and families about the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health disorders as well as any local treatment options.
AB 2193, Maternal Mental Health Screening and Support
Becomes effective July 1, 2019 and requires obstetric providers to confirm screening for maternal depression has occurred or to screen women directly, at least once during pregnancy or the postpartum period. It also requires private and public (Medicaid) health plans (HMOs) and health insurers (PPOs) to create maternal mental health programs.
AB 1893, Maternal Mental Health Federal Funding
Was signed by the governor on July 20, 2018 and required the state Department of Public Health to apply for federal funding provided through the Bringing Postpartum Depression Out of the Shadows Act (part of the 21st Century Cures Act).
“We couldn’t be more pleased that California’s governor and legislature recognized this critical opportunity to impact the 100,000 women, children and families affected by these disorders in our state each year,” said Joy Burkhard, Founder and Executive Director of 2020 Mom.