The east-coast’s original Italian ice – Luigi’s Real Italian Ice – is in town and everyone’s invited to enjoy free frozen treats and cool off at the Luigi’s Real Italian Ice Lounge at Santa Monica Place.
Meg Creamer, the director of activation with Philadelphia-based 160over90 Branding Agency says the company’s excited to bring the frozen treat to the West Coast. Currently, Luigi’s Real Italian Ice is available for purchase at Ralph’s stores in Southern California.
“In Philly we call it ‘water ice,'” says Creamer. “It’s a really fun treat. It’s vegan, gluten-free, low sugar and made with real fruit juice.”
Other fun activations for Saturday and Sunday include a prize wheel, a temporary tattoo station, and bright colorful tables with matching umbrellas and chairs to make it a memorable experience.
Selfies, happy moments and #GiveANiceDay vibes are highly encouraged. And Per Favore…don’t leave without your coupon for a free full-size frozen treat redeemable at Ralphs.