First woman to serve as the Director of JPL
Distinguished geochemist, space scientist, and Director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr. Laurie Leshin will be honored as the 2024 Woman of the Year by THE MUSES of the California Science Center Foundation on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at the Jonathan Town Club in Los Angeles.
Supporting youth education programs of the California Science Center
Distinguished geochemist, space scientist, and Director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr. Laurie Leshin was honored as the 2024 Woman of the Year by THE MUSES of the California Science Center Foundation.
The annual luncheon took place on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at the Jonathan Town Club in Los Angeles, honoring women who are leaders and trailblazers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), business, or academia.
Dr. Leshin is also a pioneer – the first woman to serve as the Director of JPL in its 87-year history, a role that includes serving as Vice President and Bren Professor of Geochemistry and Planetary Science at Caltech, which manages JPL for NASA. At JPL, Dr. Leshin oversees Earth and space science research, space technology development and more than 40 active space missions in Earth science, astrophysics, and planetary science to help humanity better understand Earth’s changing climate, expand knowledge about our solar system and beyond. With a career including leadership roles in academia, senior management at NASA, and presidential appointments, she continues to be a member of NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover science team.
Dr. Leshin graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Arizona State University, and master’s and doctoral degrees in geochemistry from Caltech. She is a recipient of NASA’s Outstanding Leadership Medal and Distinguished Public Service Medal, and of the Meteoritical Society’s Nier Prize, awarded for outstanding research in meteoritics or planetary science by a scientist under the age of 35. The International Astronomical Union recognized her contributions to planetary science with the naming of asteroid 4922 Leshin.
The annual Woman of the Year luncheon is the major fundraiser that allows THE MUSES to support youth education programs of the California Science Center. Proceeds help to fund educational programming for children from underserved communities who are historically underrepresented in STEM fields, including scholarships to Hands-On Science Camp, Young Curators after-school enrichment programs, and Community Teen internship opportunities at the Science Center.