Ice Cream for Sweet Museums!

The Museum of Ice Cream is more like an whimsical candy exhibit.

It’s a temporary display that was originally scheduled to open through the end of May but due to popular demand, the museum extended its run through July.

Now tickets will be on sale again on June 22 for visits through mid-October.

It’s likely that tickets will sell out almost immediately after they go on sale at 9am.

Angelenos want a peak of this delightful fun house, where a 4-ft sprinkles pool serves as the museum’s highlight. The sprinkles are actually millions of anti-microbial plastics and only a certain amount of guests are allowed to swim in them at one time. Before escorting guests out of the sprinkles pool to allow the next group to enter, Museum of Ice Cream employees warn guests: “It’s very possible you’ll get home and find sprinkles in weird places”.

There are giant-sized gummy bears, chocolate-smelling mint plants, a collection of white syrup dispensers, pink palm trees, a swing installation surrounded by ‘scratch & sniff’ wallpaper plus ice cream and candy samples in nearly every room.

Artists from around the world were recruited to collaborate on this unique installation, including Peruvian Artist Abel Bentin, who calls himself a “professional melter” and “sugar craver”.

Bentin curated a section of shiny black colored ice cream scoops served on gold wafer cones which appear to be melting on walls, floors and the head of a marble statue. To add some flavor to Bentin’s display, guests are served a cone with black cookie dough ice cream.
The museum tour goes through colorful galleries and ends with yet another sugar boost of maple flavored ice cream sandwiched between two pink pancakes. To the left of the pancake delivery area is a sign that reads “Ice Cream for Breakfast”.

Even though the Museum of Ice Cream isn’t open during early morning breakfast hours, the crowds have proven to love this experience where their smiles are frozen in time.

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