Mom Tribe to the Rescue!
Ain’t no mom party without an organized, grounded, multi-tasking set of fierce L.A. Moms!
From the very beginning, Nancy Lozano-Stecyk, a child therapist, parenting coach, artist and Mommy In L.A. Magazine contributor along with Nadia Hernandez, a professional program/event coordinator for non-profit organizations and L.A. Mommy Blogger, joined the team to help organize and coordinate the premiere print edition launch party for Mommy In L.A. Magazine.
With their exceptional organizational skills, these ladies, including Nancy’s talented daughter Hailey Zolliman and friend Karina Sergi helped ensure the successful execution of the magazine launch party.
From establishing a party planning schedule months in advance to creating a social media calendar, recruiting L.A. Mom artists to lend their work for the art exhibit to preparing the swag bags for all guests and checking-in people at the door, these ladies made it all come together beautifully.
Nancy Lozano-Stecyk of Let’s Play Parents Nadia Hernandez of Capturing Cultura Karina Sergi, Licensed MFT
Thank you, amazing women!
Your commitment and dedication to this project will always be appreciated. You didn’t enjoy the evening as much as you deserved, given all the responsibilities you were given, but we promise to make it up to you!
Forever, grateful!
-Anabel, Irene & Frances Marquez
Founding team, Mommy In Los Angeles® Magazine